SNL Mocks EMO Kid Using James Franco

Kiki brings out her new bag of "cougar nap," Madison, who is a sullen, tragically hip Emo kid in a band called Edge of Confusion. Kiki gets Madison to purrrrr, and he does, sounding more like a horse than a kitten.

Toni asks if he sings songs about secretly wanting to see older women in their shape wear. Madison says most of his songs are about, "Staying out of my room, not standing outside of my room, and not texting me if I've been in my room for a very long time. And, one song about how dorky archery is."

At their request, he sings a song dealing with teenage angst and needing space from his parents. Toni tells him he has an Eddie Money sound. Madison says, "I have no idea what that means."

Kiki says that they met at Urban Outfitters where he was buying a belt and she was following him. They ask Madison what's most important in a relationship. He says some of his friends want a spiritual connection but he's all about the sex. The cougars practically purr at that. Kiki says he has a lot of stamina in bed. They ask him his secret and he says, "I'm young."

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